
Canellation and Termination

You are solely responsible and liable for fully cancelling your subscription. The Development and assistance team at Lynkersoft (Read: Tasksay & Products) will not be liable to deactivate an account on your behalf. Any request to cancel, post on any blog/forum, mail notification, telephonic, verbal, fax or written request to cancel or terminate your services is not to be considered as cancellation. As a User, you have the right to cancel your subscription at any time. Instructions to do so are documented appropriately on our knowledge base. Any feedback or cancellation of your account is displayed prominently on the interface and before any user views the notice, it must be presumed that the account is not yet deactivated. Lynkersoft shall not be held liable if a user does not comply to or has failed to follow the instructions with precision.

In case of any such instances of cancellation, it will take place within a stipulated time frame and you will not be charged as per the billing cycle again. However, in such circumstances, no refunds will be assigned or issued for any previous charges as a whole or, in part. In a situation wherein there has been a prepayment made by you to your Tasksay & Products account, the credit is not to be refunded however, you are eligible and in a position to run all the eligible Tasksay & Products services till such time your credit runs out. Also, there is no cancellation fee. Post the credit based utility, you will not be charged thereafter unless you wish to re-subscribe to the services offered on the website. Deactivation of an account does not always automatically cancel any payments for the subscription. Please note, it is the user’s responsibility to ensure that the appropriate changes have been done and the payments discontinued. Lynkersoft shall not be liable to you or to any third party service provider for any form of alterations and changes, cost variations, termination or your discontinuance of the service.

Lynkersoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd. has the sole discretion and the right to suspend or terminate any account and refuse any and all current or future use of the Service, or any other service offered by the company, for any reason at any time. In case of s such termination, it will result in the deactivation or invalidation of your account and content and also, forfeit and relinquish your access to your account and content.

By agreeing to the terms of utility, you agree that you comply to the norms of age and user classification categories and are using the tools for any illegal or unauthorised services or, to conduct any malicious updates in form of data such as transmission of viruses or codes that are of destructive nature.

Any cancellation in your account and/or unavailability of credit on your account would lead to suspension of the services offered on Tasksay & Products or any of its subdomains. In case of suspended user account, you will have no access to any content, backdated, or otherwise. The suspended accounts are kept for a stipulated time frame and post passing of the allocated period, access to previous data on the portal will be lost. If the account is kept inactive for a period without payments you will be notified post which the account will be deactivated losing access control and access to any form of recoverable data. Your utility of the service suggests your acceptance to these terms and conditions for cancellation. Lynkersoft reserves the right to refuse service to any party for any reason at any given point of time.

Lynkersoft reserves the exclusive right to modify or discontinue, permanently or temporarily to discontinue any offered service with or without any notification at any instance of time and from time to time.

Violation of any of the terms in this document and in the ‘Terms of Service’ and ‘Privacy Policy’ will result in immediate termination of your account. While Lynkersoft prohibits such conduct and content on the Service, you understand and agree that Lynkersoft cannot be responsible for the content posted on the Service and you nonetheless may be exposed to such materials.